Posts tagged natural birth control
How does FAM exactly work?

The fertility awareness method is an effective and natural form of birth control, but how exactly does it work? The biggest barrier to educating and informing women about FAM is that we aren’t raised knowing how our fertility and reproductive physiology works beyond knowing that we get a period. When we understand just exactly how we’re able to get pregnant, we can use that knowledge to avoid pregnancy as well.

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When should I start using FAM?

"I'm on hormonal birth control and I'm interested in switching to FAM. When should I start?"You've done your research, read the books, talked to other people who use FAM, and you've made up your mind that you want to give it a shot. Maybe you are on hormonal birth control, have been in the past, or have never been on it. No matter the situation, a question that comes up often in my DM's and in Facebook groups that I am a part of, is when do I start charting? 

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Moon Menu: Eating with your Cycle

Did you know that you can support your hormones through something you do already everyday?  This idea, which is sometimes called cycle-syncing, is matching what you eat with where you are in your cycle. The wonderful thing with cycle syncing is you don’t have to cut out foods, but you can add foods to support healthy hormones.

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