
can i interview you for my podcast?

Podcasts are my favourite! Fill out the contact form and we can chat about whether I’d be a good fit for your pod.

Can you look over my chart or answer a specific charting question?

It’s unethical for me to answer your specific charting question or review your chart if you are not already one of my clients. If your question has not been answered over on my instagram, on the blog or in the free FAM Fundamentals course, then it’s probably a question I can’t answer. 

I’m brand new to FAM - where should I start?

I cover all of this in my free mini-course, FAM Fundamentals. You’ll learn allll about what FAM is and what exactly you need to get started!

Are you taking clients?

I run my fertility awareness course, Cycle Love, four times per year. In this three month course you’ll have access to 1:1 support along with self-paced learning. Learn more about when I’m offering my next course here or fill out the contact form!

I want to be a fertility awareness educator, can I pick your brain?

Yay! How exciting. We need more FAM educators in the world! I’ve created some resources to answer this question for you here and here - I don’t currently do fertility awareness business consults.

Will you write a blog post for my website or create a webinar for my course?

Possibly! Fill out the contact form above and we can chat about rates.