Posts tagged fam
How to start charting your cycle

The basic practice of charting your menstrual cycle is one of the foundations of the fertility awareness method. Charting is a way in which you can begin to take note each day of your cycle, and it brings an awareness to your day of what energy the cycle day is bringing to YOUR day. It also helps you keep track of your fertility biomarkers, such as cervical mucus and basal body temperature, so you can identify your fertile window and use the method to track your fertile window, for effective hormone free birth control or to get conceive easily. For more on how the fertility awareness method works as an effective birth control alternative, visit this page.

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When should I start using FAM?

"I'm on hormonal birth control and I'm interested in switching to FAM. When should I start?"You've done your research, read the books, talked to other people who use FAM, and you've made up your mind that you want to give it a shot. Maybe you are on hormonal birth control, have been in the past, or have never been on it. No matter the situation, a question that comes up often in my DM's and in Facebook groups that I am a part of, is when do I start charting? 

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Hormonal healing with fertility awareness

One of the biggest questions that come up for people considering using FAM for birth control is if they can use FAM with irregular cycles. The short answer is yes! There are many factors to consider, as well as why your cycles might be irregular, which is a bit tricker to figure out. This is why I encourage women to learn about their cycles and advocate for their own health.

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